viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

Hello again my readers! (too soon for calling you readers?) This is suppose to be the third post already, but it counts as second in my ENGLISH HOMEWORK list.

Let's start so!

I've never been in a concert (well, I was in a "tocata" someday) so I gonna tell ya 'bout one of my many vacations in my homeland: OVALLE. Where is it? In Chile, IV Region of Coquimbo. Why this location in special? Because I had not enough money to travel farther... and my family live there too. Hehehe, kidding, I love to share with my family.
The last time I was there was for Fiestas Patrias, so I stay a week. I traveled alone, I have nobody here in Santiago (so sad). When I arrived, the first thing I did was sleeping. Next day, a Sunday, I met with a friend, and with my uncle and granpa in my house we began to drink and drink wine. It was cool. Then I waited a few days sober, until the moment for real celebration: "El dieciocho".
This vacation was funny, short but enjoyful. I don't know if it was my best, but how I never travel to my birthplace due my studies, I remember this one with affection. Ohhh... I want to stay more time with them!

And that's all for today. It was short I know; it's difficult to write when you are ran out of inspiration o topic... I mean, it wasn´t a great vacation like travel affroad, and i just can talk a little because there is not much to talk about. But anyway, enjoy that! That's the idea.
So my good friends, farewell, and see you in a next post with more ENGLISH HOMEWORK. Be careful and take compassion with the Grifo!

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