viernes, 11 de julio de 2014


Greetings my people and welcome to my first new blog I made 99 percent in English! This is some kind of homework, so don't take it so seriously.
As my first activity I've to write about a country I want to visit, and you're lucky today 'cuz I really have a place to go someday... And that is JAPAN!
But wait a moment! Why JAPAN (Nihon)??? Well, I must confess I like anime, manga and those kind of things. Also I want to learn the language, with all its kanji, hiragana and katakana, on'yomi and kun'yomi lectures... It's very "funny" to do, I believe... ( -.-')

But anyway, I'd really love to be there. The first thing I'd do was visiting the animation studios I appreciate: Khara Studios (which made the 3 first movies "Rebuild of Evangelion", with the 4th still in production), The Ghibli Musseum (So sad about the studios closing), Toei Animation... and others in this moment I can't remember. Second, go to Akibahara: merchandising everywhere! Meet all those "Otakus", "maids" and strange people, hehehe... Third, relax and visit typical places like shrines and temples (XD).

Besides, Japan has one of the best index of life quality in the world, so is a place I would like to live. As an artist maybe... Just imagine how will be the life sorrounded with mangakas, animators and all kind of products... Fascinating! Or creepy perhaps... No everything in the planet is about Anime, also I wanna meet the love there, and it seems to be pretty shy women in there. At least that's anime shows me. (Freakin' Anime!)

And that's for now, 'cause I don't have anyelse to tell. Remember to comment and visit my other entrances. I'll see you next time with more ENGLISH HOMEWORK, and of course, behold the Grifo!

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